Hands up if you have been driving and another driver starts to merge into your lane? It feels very imposing, doesn't it? In fact, you can have a moment there where you may even feel like you are about to be side-swiped.
This analogy also works in relationships.
5 reasons to stay in your own lane.
1. When you are in a relationship, the more you focus on clearing your own behaviours and resetting a healthy loving relationship with yourself, the more enjoyable you are to be around.
2. You do you. The most amazing part about being in a relationship is not only what the other person offers you, but what you bring to the relationship. When we are healthy in every way we are more enjoyable to be around. So the truth is, the more you commit to being real and responsible and connected, the more life becomes a treat, not a chore.
3. In your relationship the last thing you need to be is a parent. Why? Because your partner is not your child. If your partner is not bringing their 'all' to the relationship, take a moment to address this with sensitivity and care. Being an equal in a partnership means being responsible and responsive.
4. Do you feel like you are in the fast lane whilst your partner is lagging in the slow lane? Or vice versa? Sometimes this is the case as we all learn our lessons in different ways. At times one partner may feel to grow and evolve and the other seems to resist. Allow space for your partner and check in with them gently and openly. With less imposition, they may have more space to address what is truly bothering them.
5. In our relationship we have a standard. This standard is important to uphold and honour. Both parties have an opportunity to remain true to themselves when maintaining respect and decency. Communicating with love and always making time to deeply connect to yourself and therefore your loved one, is way more productive than telling them what to do.
When we stay in our own lane we allow space in the relationship to feel where we are truly at in life. Giving us room to heal and deepen our relationship with our own inner essence. The more we give space to our partner the more we also get to truly observe them. Without imposition there is a greater opportunity for a deeper connection and a more intimate relationship.
If your relationship is struggling and you feel that you need support, please reach out for professional advice. www.kathrynfortuna.com
Enjoy the beauty of staying in your own lane and truly enjoying moving with ALL on the freeway of life. ✨